Our Human Resources Approach

We make continuous efforts for investing in our people and reinforcing internal communications with undertaking the role of a consultant for each of our team members. We aim to achieve sustainable development via implementing innovative projects to increase the company’s performance in line with corporate goals.

We operate in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights also our Corporate Development Director reports directly to the Executive Board about human rights movements. In orientations, we inform our employees about human rights and say that we act in accordance with human rights. In addition to this, we demand both our employees and business partners to act in accordance with human rights.

Health and Safety is at the heart of our work

We are committed to achieving ‘zero accidents’ across our business and we take this responsibility very seriously. Our number one priority is to provide and maintain safe and healthy workplaces for our staff, and to ensure we respect the environment in which we operate. For each project, we make sure that our operations comply with all general and project-specific environmental protection and occupational safety requirements. We care about our people and continually strive to improve their safety and wellbeing by integrating effective processes into our workplaces and encouraging a positive culture.

Our Health and Safety Policy

In order to meet the expectations, we are committed to carry out all our activity with the goal of zero harm to our employees, contractors and the community by providing a safe work environment, safe system of work and safe people at work to minimize number of incidents and occupational Health Hazards. For this,


  • Comply with all current laws and regulations and implements the programs and procedures that would ensure this to be the case.
  • Aim to accept legal requirements as the minimum level to be met and exceed them when identifying the quality standards with respect to occupational health and safety.
  • By using advanced technology, we create safe working environments for our employees and reduce the risks of work accidents, occupational diseases and near misses.
İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği (İSG) bizim için zorunluluktan öte bir kültür-Occupational Health and Safety (HSE) is a culture rather than an obligation to us
  • Prepare disaster management and improvement plans in order to be ready in urgent cases.
  • Utilize opportunities to improve occupational health and safety policies continuously.
  • Inform staff, suppliers, customers and investor partners about developments, ask for their contribution to the achievement of objectives and supports them to achieve their own objectives.
  • Measure and improve performance and share it with business and investor partners.

Our Ethical Principles

We share our ethical principles through our Ethical Code of Conduct and Ethical Committee Working Principles. Additionally, we add them to our intranet platform for our employees.

The Ethical Committee is responsible for investigating statements and complaints regarding the violation of ethical rules and deciding which sanctions to implement. The Ethical Committee Secretariat operates under the Vice Chairman of Anel Group who acts as President of the Ethical Committee.

Our Ethical Rules Help Desk e-mail address is used to enable our employees to inform and consult about their and other employees’ behaviors under “Ethical Code of Conduct and Ethical Committee Working Principles”.

We expect our employees and other parties to inform any issues related to ethical rule compliance via this e-mail address. Every question is thoroughly reviewed and necessary information is delivered by the Ethical Committee Secretariat.

We expect our business partners to understand these rules and to work in compliance with them. In this scope, we specify this requirement in our contracts and we expect the companies and employees to perform their activities within the framework of Anel procedures and policies.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

We adopt ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact. We are against all kinds of bribery and corruption while conducting our activities.

The rejection of our employees to bribe in any way or to report against corruption shall not constitute any contradiction to policies of the company.

Zero Tolerance

We strictly reject bribery and corruption in line with our policies and corporate ethics and are committed to conducting all of our activities in a fair, transparent, honest, legal and ethical manner.

In this respect, even offering, receiving, giving and implying a bribe is unacceptable.

Transparent Management

We conduct internal audits within the scope of anti-corruption and early detection of risks.

We perform internal audits by our Finance and Accounting, Financial Control, Management Systems and Internal Audit experts.

In the scope of the audit plans published annually, detailed audit studies including process control, financial statements and reports, financial control, local and international legislation and compliance, corruption and management systems audits are carried out.

Anel is committed to maintaining confidentiality to the maximum extent possible and strictly prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes a good faith report.

You can contact the Ethical Committee Secretariat by e-mail at etik@anel.com.tr or by writing to:
Saray Mah. Site Yolu Caddesi, No: 5 / 4 Ümraniye / İstanbul / Turkey